Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

TUgas Ilkom Lamaran Pekerjaan dan CV

Sidoarjo, April 04 2012
Attention to :
Human Resources Manager
PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk.
Jl. Kertajaya V block U/14-16
Surabaya, Indonesia

Dear Sir,
Cpc. Nanang Setiawan, an assistant editor at the PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk, inform me about a temporary job as an assistant for two months period june-july. Because that, I want to apply the position.
I’m twenty years old, single, interesting, have a experiences, sociability, workhorse, and can be trusted. I was in college at a State University of Surabaya. Now, I’m taking four college semesters.
For your Consideration, I enclose :
Ø  4x6 sized photo colour
Ø  Copy of KTP & KTM
Ø  Copy of last graduated
Ø  Copy of certificate computer & english
Give me the opportunity to interview, so that I can explain more about me. I have educational background, experience and potential of hard worker.
So I have to say thankyou for your attention

Your Sincerelly,

Karina Gita Dewanti

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data :
Name                         : Karina Gita Dewanti
Place, Date of Birth    : Sidoarjo, January 13 1992
Gender                       : Female
Citizenship                  : Indonesia
Address                     : Lemahputro RT.06 RW.02 No.173 Sidoarjo, East Java
Telephone/Email         : +628993816613/
Status                          : Single
Formal Education
Ø  1998-2004 :     SDN. Sidokumpul I, Sidoarjo (Elementary School)
Ø  2004-2007 :     SMPN 4 Sidoarjo (Junior High School)
Ø  2007-2010 :     SMAN 3 Sidoarjo (Senior High School)
Ø  2010-         :     Economic Education prodi Administrative, State University of Surabaya
Non Formal
Ø  2007-2009 :     Computer course Musticomp
v  Microsoft Windows
v  Microsoft Power Point
v  Correl Draw
v  Microsoft Word
v  Microsoft Excel
v  Internet Aplication

Ø  2009-2010 :     English course BETS LP3 (Business Comunication I-3) Sidoarjo
Hello English (General Conversation 4-6) Sidoarjo
Skill Qualifity
Ø  Can opprational Computer and Internet
Ø  Can speaking English good enough
Ø  Can working in tim
Sidoarjo, april 04 2012

Your faithfully
Karina Gita Dewanti